Listen To The Music – Alien Guitar Secrets

Listen To The Music

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Do you want to write better music? Do you want to work out your favourite songs more quickly than ever before?
'Listen To The Music' is a practical guide for guitarists to develop your musical ear.

With a practical approach in three key areas, 'Listen to the Music' will help you to become a far more confident musician and get you that much closer to becoming the guitarist of your dreams.

Learning to develop your ears needn't be difficult. You just need to have a practical and disciplined approach. Rob Lobasso takes you through his 7 steps to better transcribing. All you need to know and understand about music intervals and even a guide on how to sing what you play.

In our fast paced society, the need to have an immediate answer to our guitar playing questions more often than not, leads us to watching Youtube, and accepting information without questioning its truth and relevance in our own playing. this leads to far too many people sounding alike, and watering down of the individual expression of music.

At some point you have to take ownership of what you are playing, and so you are going to ask yourself ' am I really listening to the music, or am I just playing this way because someone on told me to?'

'Listen to the Music' is the perfect reference companion to get you on track and keep you there. It is an insightful book, as it is practical, helping you not only become a master at working out your favourite music in quick time, but also in helping you to compose better music.