Alien Guitar Secrets Blog – Tagged "composition"

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bridge, composition, form, hook, intro, middle eight, motivation, pre-chorus, song, songwriting, structure, technique, verse -

So, you practice your ass off with licks and arpeggios, but you soon realize that all of these scales and and other 'shredderings' are useless unless you put them into a song. So how do you do that? Well, if chord progressions are the building blocks of a song, then understanding a songs' structure and form is the blueprint you must be able to read.

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composition, feeling, frustration, knowledge, mind magic, motivation, music, the secret, visualisation -

The scientific evidence is now stacking up and beginning to support that which I have been saying for two decades now. Yes! Science is agreeing with me in that you can visualise yourself to a much better version of the player you are today. And with consistent attention and action, you can literally become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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composition, diatonic harmony, feeling, improvisation, knowledge, licks, modes, music, playing, scales, technique -

 This past week I asked one of my best students to give me a question that he would like answered in my blog.

A) It helps me to know if there is anything we need to go over, so as to better help him, and

B) I get an opportunity to help anyone else with the same or similar issue. Not a bad pay off really.

We'll call my student Jimmy (for anonymity).

So Jimmy wanted to know, “What is the difference between just playing the music and really feeling the music that you're playing?

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